Tualatin HS Turf Field |
Address: |
22300 SW Boones Ferry Rd Tualatin OR
Map Link: |
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MapQuest Directions: |
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Directions: |
From the NORTH Take I-5 Exit #289, turn right at the top of the exit. Bear slightly left to follow the main divided road. Tualatin-Sherwood Road. Turn left at Boones Ferry Road and follow for 1.6 miles.
From the South:
Take I-5 Exit #286, turn left at the top of the exit and cross over the freeway. Continue North on Boones Ferry Read for 1.8 mile |
Field Type: |
Turf |
Field Lights: |
Yes |
Dimensions: |
Comments: |
Park on either parking lot. The turf field is behind the school. |
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